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Why Has Big Data Analytics Become A Part And Parcel of Healthcare? - Programming Codex

Why Has Big Data Analytics Become A Part And Parcel of Healthcare?

Every minute of the day, we are amazed to see how a remote patient monitoring system is gleaning thousands of pieces of health data using variable telehealth devices and digital systems like Fitbit, Bluetooth, smart phones and sensors and collecting information about things like medication intake, physical activity, glucose levels, and blood pressure.

Hence driving the need for specialized analytics system and software that can manage, analyze and leverage data to predict outbreaks of epidemics, avoid preventable diseases, reduce costs of treatment and improve the quality of life in general.

In this article, we would like to address that proverbial big data enabled revolution that was predicted by Mckinsey and Company.

How Big Data Is Simplifying Healthcare Analytics:

  • Optimizing patient care and revenue streams.
  • Let’s you take advantage of real-time data for real-life situations i.e. real time alerting.
  • In recognizing and balancing patients’ needs as well as those of medical staff.
  • Keeping up with imperative, industry-wide changes that affect profits.
  • Helps in maintaining electronic health records (EHRs) where it triggers warnings and reminders when a patient should get a new lab test or track prescriptions to see if a patient has been following doctors’ orders.
  • Helping to prevent Opioid Abuse, reaching out to people identified as “high risk” and preventing them from developing a drug issue.
  • The use of Big Data in healthcare allows for strategic planning. It facilitates care managers to analyze check up results among people in different demographic groups and help them in identifying the factors that discourage people from taking up treatment.
  • It helps medical researchers to use a large amount of data on treatment plans and recovery rates of cancer patients in order to find trends and treatments that have the highest rates of success in the real world.
  • And the last Predictive analytics that helps in improving the delivery of care.

Promises of Big Data in Healthcare:

  • Volume

In 2020, it is estimated there will be more than 44 times more data than there was in 2009. Big data software and techniques will work to manage these large chunks of data and turn them into valuable piece of information.

  • Velocity

Big Data’s velocity of data-sharing is continuously rising by the day.

  • Variety

Healthcare includes unstructured data in text format, streams of date from monitoring and sensing gadgets, test or email messages, scanned documents, video or audio, and procedures that add to the variety of unstructured healthcare data.

These aforementioned advantages of Big Data Analytics make it a part and parcel of Healthcare Industry. Indeed, the developments around big data in healthcare has broken the silos in scientific research and highly impacted the field of genomics to take a giant leap in the evolution of genetic medicine with the help of big data.

Individuals managing complicated health situations should certainly leverage this valuable service and simplify the healthcare process.

Source by Anuradha Badone

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